We train you to train your dog
We have been conducting training classes since 1948, so you can be confident in the methods and processes you and your dog will learn with us. Dogs of all breeds, including non-registered and mixed breed dogs, are always welcome at SMOTC classes and events. We offer classes in several locations to help you train your dog.
SMOTC classes are run in and for the community, so you will be learning in a school or community center. All registration is handled through the city in which the class is offered. Click to see our locations or to register for a class. SMOTC holds classes during the traditional school year. There are no summer classes offered. If you have any questions about our classes or locations, feel free to send an email to info@smotc.org and we would be happy to assist you.
SMOTC Class Descriptions
AKC STAR Puppy Class
Southern Michigan Obedience Training Club (SMOTC) offers this class for puppies purebred or mixed approximately 3 – 5 months of age. Help your new “Best Friend” develop the good habits it needs in order to become a valued member of your family. Socialization, introduction to obedience, and problem solving are covered in the classes. AKC STAR Puppy Certification is offered.
Minors are invited to attend with a registered adult. Please bring puppy with buckle collar, leash, healthy treats and shot records (required) to first class.
Class is 6 weeks 45-60 minutes a week. This class is offered in the Berkley, Birmingham, and Grosse Pointe locations.
For more information on the AKC Star Puppy Program visit: AKC Star Puppy
Introduction to Dog Obedience (INTRO)
Southern Michigan Obedience Training Club (SMOTC) offers this foundation Introduction to Obedience class for all dogs who are at least 6 months old. Learn to train your dog to heel (walk) on lead next to you, sit and down stay, and come when called – to become a more enjoyable member of the family, as well as encourage participation in obedience competition. This is a fast-moving class to teach you to teach your dog basic obedience. This class will require that you work with your dog 10-20 minutes a day during the duration of the classes for best results
You will need to bring these items the FIRST night of class:
1) Your completed Application for Training and Health Certificate; plus bring ALL shot records.
2) Bait /Lure (treat) bag, fanny pack, or apron with SMALL SOFT TREATS.
3) Have well fitting collar with a 6 ft. leash. (leather leash recommended)
Minors over 12 years old are invited to train as long as a parent or guardian is registered for the class and stays during the class.
Class is 6 weeks 45-60 minutes week. This class is offered in the Berkley and Birmingham locations.
Intermediate Dog Obedience - Canine Good Citizen (CGC)
This fast-paced class is designed to help handlers and dogs master the skills necessary to earn the AKC Canine Good Citizen Award. The class is open to all dogs (pure bred and mixed alike). It is required that the dogs have previous exposure to classroom obedience training or have completed Intro to Dog Obedience (offered by SMOTC) prior to enrolling.
Vaccination records are required and must be presented the first night of class.
Students may participate in the CGC evaluation on the last night of class. Only those that successfully meet the evaluation criteria will receive the distinctive Canine Good Citizen CGC Award from American Kennel Club.
These are excellent preparatory classes if you are considering competition in the AKC Obedience and/or Rally ring. First-time competitors as well as seasoned showmen are welcome to attend in preparation for earning AKC titles.
Class is 6 weeks 45-60 minutes per week. This class is offered in the Berkley and Birmingham locations.
For details on the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Program visit: More information about CGC
Therapy Dog Preparation and Evaluation
This class will help to prepare students and their dogs to become a certified Therapy Dog team. The class will also address safety precautions for you and your dog, proper visiting techniques, getting around medical equipment, and more. For this class, your dog will need to work reliably and test on a flat buckle collar or non-correcting harness (leash fastens on the dog’s back) with a 6-foot leather or nylon leash.
Dogs will need to be proficient and reliable in all basic obedience commands (heel, sit, down, leave it and stay). We highly recommend that students have taken one or more obedience classes prior to registering for this class.
Dogs must have reached or passed their first birthday on or before the last day of class to be evaluated and tested. A Therapy Dogs International (TDI) certification test will be performed at a later date. Due to COVID restrictions, TDI is not currently allowing any testing. As soon as testing is available, we will set a date for you.
There is an additional $10.00 test fee. Vaccination records are required and must be presented the first night of class.
Class is 3 weeks 45-60 minutes per week. This class is offered in the Berkley and Birmingham locations.
For more information on testing and the therapy organization visit: TDI Information.
Advanced Obedience
This "next step up" class focuses on sharper obedience work with an eye toward AKC Obedience competition in the Rally and Novice Rings. Off leash heeling is introduced, and fine-tuning other exercises such as the Formal Recall, Figure 8, Group Exercises, and Rally signage and performance are emphasized.
These are excellent preparatory classes if you are considering competition in the AKC Obedience and/or Rally ring. First-time competitors as well as seasoned showmen are welcome to attend in preparation for earning AKC titles.
Class is 6 weeks 45-60 minutes per week. This class is offered in the Berkley location.
This class is offered in Berkley only.
Advanced Puppy
This class offers a transition from the AKC Star Puppy class to our Introduction to Dog Obedience classes. This a great class for those dogs who need a extra time before entering the Introduction to Dog Obedience class.
Class is 6 weeks 45-60 minutes per week. This class is currently not offered.
Paperwork to bring to the first night of class
Once you have enrolled for your course with the city, you will need to complete an application for SMOTC and provide proof of the vaccinations on your dog. Please bring both pages of the application AND a copy of your shots from the vet on the first night of class. We strongly recommend the influenza vaccine as well as those listed on the application. Please contact us if you have any questions. info@smotc.org
Remember you must register first with the city to be enrolled in the class and then bring the appropriate application and your vet records on the first night of class.
Puppy Application and Vaccination Record Form